Monday, September 29, 2008
Willian Allen White
Have you ever been so rational, so sane... that you feel like you're insane for doing so?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Back to school: Missing my uniform
One thing that's been really irritating me lately is getting up in the morning and dressing for school. I like... taking as long as possible to get out of bed and I try to get every minute out of it. Even though on most days I don't have to get out of bed until about 10:30, I try to sleep as much as possible, leaving the time between waking up and actually leaving the house, relatively short. It was SO easy in high school just pulling on a uniform and running out of the door. Although it didn't lend it's hand to creativity, it sure as hell was easy.
Now in my sophomore year of college, I still have yet to really establish a sense of personal style. Last year I kind of just went along with jeans and a tshirt for my everyday wears, for the sake of ease. I got very bored, very quickly. Now I'm just trying to expand upon what I have... with basically no money. It's a very fun experience, experimenting with different things. I still feel like I haven't really captured myself in my clothing.
Now, in high school, we all had the same uniform and we couldn't really experiment with it very much. I can't say the same for the Constance's, the school on Gossip Girl. I'm particularly inspired by Blair Waldorf, with her preppy style, her cute headbands... and her absolutely beautiful capes. So since MY clothes have been lack luster these last couple days, here's some Gossip Girl inspiration.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
(ha oops! love puppy not puppylove! - Sorry Jessica! For those of you who aren't familar with her, her fashion blog is What I Wore. Go check it out! I usually just drop by to check out her daily wears, but her other blog is really awesome and interesting too!)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I've had all the intentions of getting my license since... well since I was 16. But I mean I didn't do it in my junior year... and then senior year was REALLY busy and freshman year at college was.... a disastrous windstorm. So finally, FINALLY I can drive. I've always had apprehensions of me behind a wheel. I never felt as if I would be... good at driving and I tend to stay away from things I think I would suck at. And if I were to be a bad driver... practically 3,000 lbs of machine can run into a person or another car or some sort of structure. I never felt like I could trust myself with something so... powerful.
But now that my confidence in myself has blossomed ten fold, my worries now are about when my dad will get me drive the new Acura. Hehehe.
Anyway, went on South Street again today with my sister, R, K and his little brother. I walked straight back into the shoe section of Retrospect and found the black t-straps right where I left them last week $12! Yay! Can't wait to wear them! We stopped by Haagan-Dasz and Rita's but I think I'm coming down with a cold... and all I wanted was some hot chocolate. =(
The outfit above was a couple days ago. Ha I think I need a tripod or someone in the house willing to take a picture of me. Didn't get a chance to take a picture of my outfit today, but I wore a purple dress with brown tights and brown boots and I threw on my sweater from my highschool uniform since it was chilly this morning.
Here are some random pictures from a chinese food run with my sister. =D

Saturday, September 13, 2008
T minus 8 days until classes start... ugh!
I want to stay home and sleep in until 1 PM, just in time for Dog Whisperer.
I think my hostility towards school stems from last term, where I was taking 20 credits and stayed up until around 3 AM, not procrastinating, but actually working. Spending my days and nights locked up in my room, working with no sleep, made me a very irritable person. I think if I just had a couple more hours of just leisure, it would have been much better. Lets hope this term is lots and lots better than last term!
My sister and I strolled around South Street the other day, and I dropped by Retrospect to get a little thifting done, which made me happy. What made me happier was that I found this cute little capelet. It's a children's knit cape, but it was a good length on me. The picture isn't the greatest, but hey, what can I do? Look out for it when the weather starts getting chilly. I also saw this cute little bracelet at this new store called Lulu.ish. It's a cute little store. If I had the money, I would have gotten more.
I had my first driving lesson today, so I wanted to keep it simple, keep it comfy with a wife beater, khakis and a scarf.
It was also my Lola's [grandmother] birthday today, so my sister, myself and my mother swung by her house and got some yummy carrot cake from Melrose. <3
That's it for now.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Current Lusts
How much: $59.99
Want want want. I want these for early fall... would look great with a pair of black tights and a skirt or a dress.
How much: $556 @ BlueFly
I've been lusting over shoes for the fall. Just another shoe I've been dreaming about. Not to mention Minnetonka knee highs... and some Chloe platform sandals...
The Minnetonka's I can probably get... but these babies along with the Chloes... probably not so much. I shall probably go hunting for similars around my price range.
How much: $199.99 @ BlueFly
This fall/winter, I think a great cape would be an excellent piece to fend off the chilly weather. I love this cape because I love browns... I love the length and I really like the bow detail. Again, with my current budget of everything goes to books and art supplies I can't really spend that much cash. We'll see what's going on later after school starts and the book and supplies have been acquired.
How much: $27
This and a couple other basics that I need for the fall are on my list. Some other things I want to pick up from either AA or Old Navy or the Gap are some basic Ts, tanks and cardigans. This turtleneck is available in black, baby blue and white.
How much: $39.99
I want a high waisted, soft cotton skirt to pair with knee highs or some tights. The button details on this UO skirt are really nice. There are some other nice skirts like UO. I know that winter florals will be in this fall/winter and they have a couple that are reasonably priced. I don't really see myself jumping on the band wagon for that... but the options there are good for anyone who wants them.
How much: $134.00
I still have yet to own a peacoat, even though I have... quite a number of coats, I don't have a peacoat yet. This one with the brass buttons and the ruffle detail is really really beautiful. I enjoy structured pieces and clean lines. I love love love this peacoat.
As in the irritating words of Rachel Zoe: DIE!
What: Balenciaga brown quilted bag
How much: $1596.00
Ok. So I'll probably never own a Balenciaga bag. I can lust can't I?!? Just putting it up because I love quilted bags.
These are just a few things off of my never ending list of lusts...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I'm wearing your shirt today - written a while ago
To me, it's softer than satin and warmer than fur. It slides along my skin in the most sensuous ways; kissing my skin, tickling my body. There's only a slight trace of your smell lingering still, but enough to make me smile into the fabric. You're scent is soft and musky. My fingertips imitate the path your fingers would follow, along my chin and down my neck, speaking to my senses and whispering secrets. My lips would in turn whisper my own secrets against your ears. My secrets. Our secrets. My stomach tingles and I attempt to turn my thoughts away.
I miss you. It's been more than six months since I felt your lips on mine. Six long months of longing.
Of absolute torment.
Aching. That’s the word I chose to describe what I feel. I’m aching to feel my hand in yours, aching to slide my fingers across your face, the face that has been chiseled into my definition. My body is aching to be close to you. It’s reaching for you, begging for you. My lips are aching to be kissed and my waist is aching to be held. I close my eyes and tangle my fingers into my hair, imagining they were yours. Playfully tugging, stroking...
Pulling the covers over me, I wrap my arms around a pillow. I imagine your arms circling me, your warmth engulfing me and I'm not alone anymore. I can almost feel your breath against my shoulder and I can most hear your soft snoring against my back. I close my eyes again and I can smell you. I'm not alone any more. I can hear you whispering, your voice heavy with sleep, "I'm here now, love. I'm here now." I'm crying in relief, in utter relief. I'm not alone anymore. I can almost feel your fingers sliding against my waist, sliding and slipping...
And I open my eyes, still very cold.
And still so very alone.
Wore to church.
Excuse the dirty mirror and room, I've been crashing in my sister's room
Tomorrow's agenda:
-thrift & shop
-walk the dog <3
-hem the dress from Old Navy
-work on new collage for room